The popularity of sex toys is an already confirmed and undisputed fact. However, it is no secret that the lion’s share of all sales in intimate stores is accounted for by the so-called anal plug – delicate accessories that perform several different functions at once. Is it safe to use inflatable plugs? In this article we have collected the most popular questions concerning these piquant devices – and we give to them, as usual, comprehensive answers or you can visit this site here for dos and dont’s of using inflatable butt plugs and other types of sex toys.
Is anal plug and butt plug the same thing?
Yes, butt plug – this is what the name of this sex accessory in English sounds like. In this case, the word “plug” is a direct tracing from a foreign language. In the frequency of its use, a certain regularity can be traced: if about five years ago, almost all sex shops together called such adaptations plugs and bushings, now they “go on about” the client and put clear borrowing on the product card. You can link this with the popularity of online stores, in which the machine text translator did not particularly bother with the selection of language counterparts.
How long can the anal plug are worn?
In general, the specification of such intimate accessories provides for their various subspecies. For example, anal plugs for long wear, which can be used comfortably at work or on a walk. As a rule, such plug-ins is small in size, so as not to cause some embarrassment in various life situations. Many people ask the question differently: can the anal plug fall out during a constant wear? We answer confidently: a good sleeve has a regular, slightly elongated shape – this allows the sphincter to firmly grip the intimate device and confidently hold it inside. So you can safely take with you to carry your intimate toys – with them “more fun”!
Only one rule: if you plan to use the sleeve for prolonged wear, you should choose silicone or glass models in order to avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of irritation or itching.
Is it true that vaginal sex with butt plug becomes more pleasant?
The tighter and tighter the vagina is to encircle the trunk of the penis, the stronger the sensations of sexual contact will be. This dependence cannot be avoided, and the anal plug really helps to open new facets of pleasure in sex. This is due to the fact that filling the anus, the sleeve acts on many nerve receptors located in this intimate area, and the vagina responds responsively to the overall “mood” of the body and works more intensively.
True, if you practice sex with the anal plug, then it is better to prefer large specimens of miniature corks with a diameter of 3-4 cm. They will not cause an excessive feeling of fullness and will be able to perfectly fit into the format of the usual vaginal sex. By the way, the anal plug with vibration here will be very useful – especially if the power of the pulses is regulated on the remote or radio-controlled remote control.
Is there any benefit from anal plugs, beads and other stimulants of the anus?
There is, and this is not an empty rumor. Anal plugs for long wearing, for example, help to easily massage the prostate, which significantly reduces the risk of prostatitis and other diseases associated with it. The anal plug is also recommended for both men and women for the prevention of hemorrhoids. True, such toys should be used in conjunction with Kegel gymnastics, which helps to improve blood circulation in the pelvic area and prevent common congestion. It should be understood that, first of all, such sex toys are intimate accessories, and all the benefits that they bring are nothing more than a nice and pleasant addition.