Some studies reveal that half of the American women have used a vibrator. It is their beloved sex toy, which they love to carry with them. The leading vibrating butt plug manufacturers have experienced a quick hype in demands for butt plugs. Every second buyer wants a vibrating butt plug. It makes you wonder why people love this sex toy. What emotions they experience which lead them to a better version of vibrating butt plug.
Butt plugs have been around for quite a long time. The earlier designs were pretty simple. People used classic vibrators for both anal and vaginal pleasure. Time changed and butt plugs became popular for the anal play. Now, vibrating butt plugs are famous among sex toy users. Continue reading to reveal what makes but plugs a perfect sex toy for everyone.
It eliminates the fear of anal sex:
There is a reason thousands of people search for butt plugs every day. They are planning to have anal sex. They know their anus is a very fragile part of their body and anal can hurt a lot. Therefore, they are scared and they want to get rid of this fear.
Butt plugs allow you to experience anal sex before you try it with your partner. You can pick a right size butt plug, apply some lube, and then gently push it inside your rectum. It will hurt a little bit in the beginning and then everything will feel awesome. Consider looking for a store that provides detailed descriptions of their products to make sure you are buying the right one. It’s what lovegasm has been doing, so you can give them a visit and browse their collections.
You won’t worry about anal anymore. Your butthole will be ready to feel the sensation and pleasure of anal sex. The right amount of lubrication will help that penis in sliding smoothly and you both will have a great time during the anal play.
It makes you feel empowered:

You might be wondering how a vibrating butt plug can make me feel empowered! It is just a sex toy! Well, it can make you feel satisfied and powerful. The initial vibrators were designed to help women in enjoying masturbation. People used to wonder that there is no way a woman can masturbate and feel satisfied. Nobody thinks like that anymore.
A vibrating butt plug can vibrate as intensely as you want. It can thrill you or offer a smooth sensation for prolonged periods. You will never miss a man’s touch as long as that butt plug is vibrating and stimulating your anus.
Singles must buy and use that vibrating butt plug. It is a perfect toy to stay entertained and satisfied without a partner. Your sexual orientation can vary but the desire for soothing erogenous demands is the same. That vibrating butt plug can offer many new ways of soothing erotic desires. You will always find something new to do it during those short anal sessions and long-term pleasures.
Best foreplay before sex:
Do you find it daunting to arouse your partner before sex? Vibrating butt plugs can make things really interesting for you and your partner. It is okay to lose interest in things after doing them time-and-again. Do not forget you are human and you can always find a solution to make things pleasurable.
Vibrating butt plugs not only increase the pleasure of sex but also keeps you ready for any new thing. It eliminates the fear of anal sex, allows you to go solo, and also arouses you to a limit that you cannot deny to sex. It is the best toy for foreplay. Let your partner try it to eliminate the fear of putting something inside that butthole. Things will get easier and more entertaining once it starts vibrating and stimulating anal walls.
It can eliminate relationship troubles:
Couples get apart when partners lose interest in one another. Things get changed as you spend more time together. Sex becomes an ordinary thing and nobody goes for it with great interest. Vibrating butt plugs can thoroughly change the scenario and make you more excited about having sex.
Introduce this sex toy to your partner and let’s decide to include it during sex. Put it inside your butt hole and let your partner control the vibration. Both men and women can try it because it is for everyone. That vibration will arouse you and lead you to a great organism. Even though the vaginal play is not quite effective, vibrating butt plug will make the anal play so exciting for you.
It is the feel of getting thrilled during erotic moments, which make butt plugs the best companions. Couples should always try these toys before going for the main play. It will lead you to a more intense lovemaking session.
It lets you explore your limits:

Many people create perceptions about things without even trying those things. It is not fair and you should give yourself every chance of exploring new things. Anal sex is safe and quite amazing. Millions of people are missing it because they wonder it is dirty and it might cause health issues. None of these concerns will trouble you ever if you try vibrating butt plugs.
Lubricate that butt plug and rectum and then start pushing it in. Try a smaller butt plug first to extend your limits. Try a new model which slide easily and does not hurt at all. Anal sex won’t scare you anymore. You would love to put that butt plug inside your anus and vibrate it while your partner is playing with your vagina. You will feel extremely aroused and each orgasm will feel more satisfying.
Final thoughts:
Vibrating butt plugs let the user experience various emotions. They feel thrilled, aroused, empowered, and satisfied. This tiny gadget can do a lot more than you imagine. Just get it now to explore how amazing things can be with a butt plug inside that butthole.
High-quality lubes and top-quality vibrating butt plugs do not let you hurt your body parts. It goes in smoothly and comes out more smoothly. That’s how it entertains the user. Give it a chance because you deserve to experience that unique sensation of anal sex.